Kim Tolley, Ed.D.
Emerita Professor, School of Education and Leadership
Dr. Kim Tolley is Emerita Professor in the School of Education at Notre Dame de Namur University. She received her doctorate from the School of Education at the University of California, Berkeley and joined the faculty in the fall of 1996. She retired in December 2018. Since then, she has continued to volunteer service on the University’s Institutional Review Board.
Her publications have appeared in such journals as the History of Education Quarterly, Teachers College Record, Social Science History, Paedagogica Historia, The North Carolina Historical Review and the Journal of Curriculum Studies. She has received the History of Education Society’s prize for best article published in a refereed journal (2008). She is the author of Heading South to Teach: The World of Susan Nye Hutchison (2015) and The Science Education of American Girls: A Historical Perspective (2003). She is editor of Professors in the Gig Economy: Unionizing Adjunct Faculty in America (2008), Transformations in Schooling: Comparative and Historical Perspectives (2007), and co-editor (with Nancy Beadie) of Chartered Schools: Two Hundred Years of Independent Academies in the United States, 1727-1925 (2002). In 2018, she served as President of the History of Education Society. Her next book, forthcoming with Johns Hopkins University Press, will focus on the history of school vaccination in America.
Dr. Tolley can be reached at either ktolley@ndnu.edu or at kfhtolley@gmail.com.