Welcome to the Office of the Registrar
The Office of the Registrar handles student academic records, maintaining the confidentiality of those records and equitable application of the university’s academic policies. The office provides registration oversight, graduation audits, class scheduling, transcripts, transfer credit, and the university catalog. We aim to provide students with the resources to make educated and informed decisions and take ownership of their educational experience.
Resources for New and Current Students
The Registrar is the chief custodian of academic records for all enrolled students at NDNU. The Office of the Registrar ensures we apply all academic policies equitably and objectively and ensure the accuracy and confidentiality of students’ information.
Course Registration
The Registrar oversees the registration system, your course enrollment records, grades, and degree progress. However, your academic advisor and program director are your primary contact points for help in registration and completing your degree requirements. Each semester, your academic advisor will grant you clearance to register online, and you must complete the Tuition Agreement via the Campus Portal. If you need assistance getting in contact with your advisor or have additional questions about registration, please contact registrar@ndnu.edu. We can direct you to the right person to contact.
Tuition and Adding/Dropping Courses
As soon as you register for a course, NDNU will generate tuition charges for those credits. The Office of the Registrar has no access to your student account or billing information. Please contact businessoffice@ndnu.edu if you have questions about your tuition balance or student account.
Registration Holds
A Hold is a department-specific code placed on your student record that will prevent you from adding or dropping courses for a specific reason. The Business Office, Admissions, or Registrar/Academic Affairs may place holds, preventing registration. Any message you encounter on the Campus Portal that notifies you of a Hold will also give you the steps or contact to resolve it. A complete guide to NDNU Registration Holds is available on the Students tab of your Campus Portal.
Academic Policies and Deadlines
NDNU General Catalog. We expect NDNU Students to understand and abide by the policies in the NDNU General Catalog. The Catalog outlines content and requirements for all degrees, credentials, and coursework and articulates institutional and academic policy. It is the document by which we audit students to complete their degree.
The academic year begins in September and runs through August of the following calendar year. We expect students to adhere to The Academic Calendar, which lists dates and deadlines, including course registration, term/module start and end dates, drop, withdrawal, and grading deadlines. Before the start of every semester, you need to check the Academic Calendar to make sure you’re aware of any upcoming important dates. As we made these dates accessible to students well in advance, we cannot grant exceptions to deadlines.
Students within two semesters of completing their degree program must submit an Application to Graduate; this declares your intention to graduate with your chosen degree. We linked the application form to the Students tab of your Campus Portal.
Once you submit your application, the Registrar will audit your coursework against the requirements in the Catalog and let you know which, if any, requirements are still unaccounted-for. At the end of your last semester of coursework, the Registrar will confer your degree once you have fulfilled all requirements listed on your audit. We conferred degrees three times a year:
- Last day of Spring Semester (May) through May 30th
- Last day of Summer Term (August) through September 15th
- Last day of Fall Term (December) through January 15th
If we do not document requirements for graduation by the end of each conferral period (including receipt of any transfer credit), we will roll the expected graduation date ahead to the following term
Note: Graduation means completion of your degree—this differs from Commencement, the annual ceremony celebrating the year’s graduates. We will update the Commencement page of the NDNU website each Spring semester with important information for participants. Please see the Catalog for full policies regarding graduation and eligibility to participate in commencement ceremonies.
NDNU Campus Portal
We require all students at NDNU to use the Campus Portal for course registration. Students should also be familiar with making account payments and retrieving advising reports and unofficial NDNU transcripts. We host electronic forms and tutorials for matriculated students on the Students tab of the Campus Portal and will include:
- Application to Graduate
- Request for Grade of “W” (Course Withdrawal after the drop deadline)
- Request for Leave or Withdrawal from the University
- Request for Transfer Credit Approval
- Canvas (LMS) Login instructions
- Online Registration Step-By-Step Guide
- Guide to NDNU Registration Holds
You can direct questions or problems regarding your Campus Portal login to the Office of Information Technology: helpdesk@ndnu.edu, or (650) 508-3555.
NDNU Student Email
For privacy and liability purposes, you must use your @student.ndnu.edu email address for all correspondence regarding your academic record or other discussions with agents of the university. You will have received information on logging in to your student email when you were admitted—please direct questions about NDNU Student Outlook webmail to the Office of Information Technology: helpdesk@ndnu.edu or (650) 508-3555.
Resources for Alumni & Former Students
The Office of the Registrar maintains the NDNU academic transcript for all students in perpetuity. We offer the following services for alumni and former students.
Inquire about Re-Admission
It always thrills us to welcome NDNU Argos back to the classroom. Former students wishing to inquire about re-admission to a new academic program should contact the Office of Admissions. Depending on the time since your previous enrollment, an Admissions counselor will work with the Registrar to determine which admissions documents will need to be provided again. (If you have been away from NDNU for less than two years, you may have the opportunity to be reinstated in your previous program. Please contact the Office of Admissions for more information.
Official Transcripts
NDNU has partnered with the National Student Clearinghouse to fulfill all requests for official transcripts. The NSC offers both hard-copy and secure digital delivery options. Expedited mailing is available for hard-copy orders after they are processed. For your record to be validated by the Office of the Registrar and your order completed by the Clearinghouse, transcript orders require a 3-5 business day processing time. Please plan your order accordingly. Click Here to Place an Order.
Diploma Re-Issue
The Office of the Registrar can currently provide re-issued diplomas to NDNU alumni free. We process diploma reprints in May, December, and August. You may request one re-issued diploma during each processing period. Regardless of graduation date, re-issued diplomas will bear the name of Notre Dame de Namur University and the signature of the current President. Please contact registrar@ndnu.edu for more information.
Enrollment Verification/Degree Verification
Former CND and NDNU students may request a letter of verification containing attendance and graduation dates for personal records or for providing to third parties. We will send letters only to the requesting student. Please allow up to five business days for a response from the Registrar; additional information may be required. Please contact registrar@ndnu.edu for more information
Name Change
For the purposes of data tracking, last-name changes are not accepted for former students. For corrections to name errors or other extenuating circumstances, please contact registrar@ndnu.edu
The Family Educational Right to Privacy Act (FERPA) allows NDNU to respond to legitimate requests for directory information without obtaining a student release. To block the release of your directory information, please contact registrar@ndnu.edu. Visit the FERPA and Student Privacy page for more information on how NDNU protects your personal information.
Evelia P. Chacon
University Registrar
1500 Ralston Ave.
Belmont, CA 94002,
St. Mary’s Hall 108
(650) 508-3516