Teaching Credential
At Notre Dame de Namur University we view teaching as a transformative vocation that goes beyond academic instruction. Our teaching credential programs are guided by the Hallmarks of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur:
- We proclaim by our lives even more than by our words that God is good.
- We honor the dignity and sacredness of each person.
- We educate for and act on behalf of justice, peace and care for all creation.
- We commit ourselves to community service.
- We embrace the gift of diversity.
- We create community among those with whom we work and with those we serve.
- We develop holistic learning communities which educate for life.
These hallmarks guide our mission to provide an education that is academically rigorous and deeply rooted in their values of faith, justice, and community.
Credentials Office
The Credentials Office provides support services to the students, faculty and administration of NDNU’s School of Education. Services include answering questions for, and providing assistance to prospective and current students and providing both assistance with processing and a formal recommendation to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) for those who complete the program. All K-12 teaching and administrative credentials, permits and certificates are issued by the CTC. Credentials requiring the completion of a teacher education program are issued on the basis of a recommendation by the University, subject to satisfactory program completion.
The Teaching Credential process at Notre Dame de Namur University
Provide transcripts
- Student submits Credential Analyst Service & Program Evaluation Request System (CASPER) to Credentials office for transcript review
- Transcripts evaluated for following requirements
- Subject Matter Requirement
- US Constitution
- Intern teaching requires Director approval
- If approval is provided Student completes a CASPER request to the Credential Office with an Intern credentail application and their employment letter
Congratulations! You’ve completed the coursework!
CTC’s State requirements – All requirements submitted to CANVAS course
- TB Testing
- Certificate of Clearance
- CSET – Subject Matter Requirement
- US Constitution
- CalTPA (NDNU provided Cy1 & Cy2 courses)
- RICA Literacy testing*
- CPR Course (NDNU provides a course)
After July 1, 2025, the RICA Literacy testing will go away -or sunset. The CTC will require that RICA/literacy be met with cycle 2 of the CalTPA which will be called LPA.
Student submits a CASPER request to the Credential offices with a completed Preliminary Application form.
Student is recommended to the state for a Preliminary Teaching Credential
Terrance Hanna
Credentials Analyst
Julie Billiart Room 128
Aspo Normantas
Credential Data Analyst
Julie Billiart Room 129
Mon – Thurs, 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Fri, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
The Credentials Office can assist you with:
- Providing credential information
- Reviewing your undergraduate transcripts to identify the extent to which you may have satisfied part or all of the subject matter requirement and the US Constitution requirement.
- The transition to student teaching/internship and application for a University Internship credential
- Processing your certification paperwork
- Personalized Guidance
The office provides one-on-one advising sessions to help NDNU Credential students understand the credentialing process, requirements, and timelines. This personalized support ensures that each student receives tailored advice based on their unique needs and goals and allows the student to focus on their coursework and fieldwork while they are supported through completing the state requirements and the application process by the credential analysts.
- The Credentials Analyst Service & Program Evaluation Request (CASPER) system for
your requests.- Our office provides our students with a customized system to submit a request to the Credential Analysts. The Credential Analyst Service & Program Evaluation Request System or the CASPER. system at NDNU will allow you to submit a direct request to the Credentials Office which is logged and tracked by the
- Our office provides our students with a customized system to submit a request to the Credential Analysts. The Credential Analyst Service & Program Evaluation Request System or the CASPER. system at NDNU will allow you to submit a direct request to the Credentials Office which is logged and tracked by the
The Credential Candidate’s responsibility:
Is to understand certification requirements, fulfill program and statutory requirements and submit required documentation on time.
Private School Credential Pathway
California offers two pathways for private school teachers to obtain Multiple and Single Subject
Teaching Credentials:
- Three to Five Years of Experience: Teachers can substitute three to five years of full-time teaching experience for the student teaching component of a teacher preparation program.
- Six Years of Experience: Teachers with six years of full-time teaching experience can bypass the entire teacher preparation program, including student teaching.
Qualified candidates can apply directly to the Commission without a recommendation from NDNU and are exempt from completing the Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA).
Note: The Credential Office strongly recommends seeking the support of your private school administrator to provide you with professional teaching observations and the necessary resources to complete your application. See CTC’s webpage at the link below for more details on what’s required from your Private school and how to complete your application. Pay particular attention to the importance of the private school’s evaluations in the CTC’s consideration of your application.
Private School worksheet for NDNU students
Requirements for Teachers with Private School Teaching Experience
All NDNU credential programs meet program standards of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. The answers to complex questions that are beyond the scope of this website can often be found on the Commission’s website at Credential Requirements.
Questions about master’s degrees, programs, courses and requirements should be directed to your advisor or the Registrar’s Office: 650-508-3516
Walk-ins are welcome, appointments preferred.
Credentials offices at: JB 128 & JB 129
Contact us at: credentials@ndnu.edu.
You may also contact the main office at the School of Education at 650-508-3430.