Should I Finish my Bachelor’s Degree? – NDNU
By Maris Dania
Earning a degree is no easy task. It makes sense that you may had to have postponed your college education in order to take care of your family, financial situations, jobs, and/or health difficulties, etc.
A bachelor’s degree still offers you benefits as you advance in your current profession and/or explore new opportunities. But no matter your reason for leaving school, earning your degree can be profitable.
Perks of having a degree:
- Open doors to job opportunities
Jobs that require a bachelor’s degree frequently come with benefits beyond money, such as access to health and life insurance, paid time off for sick days or vacations, and even more possibilities to expand your education and training in order to advance your career.
- Increase your annual salary
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, workers who have higher levels of education typically earn more money and have lower chances of unemployment compared to workers with less education levels. In 2020 the median weekly earnings for someone with only a high school diploma was $877, while someone with a bachelor’s degree earned $1,305.
- Gain valuable knowledge
Courses in business, communication, and psychology can all offer instructive insights that can be applied to your daily life.
For example, if you pursue a bachelor’s in business administration, you can discover that what you learn in class is instantly applicable to your current position. Additionally, as you age and get more life experience and clarity about the type of career you want, developing relationships and networking might become easier.
- Return of investment
The most frequent reasons for dropping out of school and the biggest obstacles to returning are commonly time and money.
Today, returning to school doesn’t necessarily require giving up your work or adjusting to a new campus. There are numerous ways to complete your bachelor’s degree. Many programs are 100% online and still offer thorough curriculum and chances to interact with professors and classmates that you would receive from an on-campus program.
Investing in your future will cost money, just like any other life decision, so why not put yourself first?
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